Production of the
CNGS ionisation chambers (G,F., B.D., E.B. H.):
1. part list to be edited (Barbara)? done
2. ceramics to be fired (Barbara)? no
3. check of ceramic tube fits in steel tube (Barbara)? yes
4. order
of plastic boxes for the storage of the parts (Bernd, Claudine), done
5. order tool for a defined torque (Raymond)
6. springs to ordered (Bernd, Christoph): done, 200 in few days
7. production of mounting support (asap, Franco, Christoph)
8. clean room for mounting (asap, Bernd)? available
9. definition of naming scheme (
10. machining of electronic box tube, corner, hole + thread (Raymond)
I. production
1. collecting of parts (asap, Barbara, Claudine)
2. electrodes to be assembled for cleaning (asap, Raymond)
3. cleaning transport of parts, cleaning of heads which are open (Raymond)
4. assembly of electrode stack (after cleaning, Claudine)
5. mounting of head (Claudine)
6. tube assembly (Claudine)
7. labelling with barcode and serial number (Claudine)
8. check of insulation, introducing data in traveller (Franco)
9. transport for welding (Raymond)
10. check of insulation after welding, introducing data in traveller (Franco)
11. transport for pumping (Raymond)
12. pumping, backing, filling (Fabienne)
13. mounting of electronic box (Claudine)
14. final check, HV, min current, source, , introducing data in traveller (Franco)