BFPP loss locations in the LHC

The following tables show the expected impact locations of the BFPP beams in IP1, IP2, and IP5 for beam 1 and 2. The tracking was done using MadTomma and LHC optics files v 6.500 for ion collisions. Also the early scheme was checked. The expected orbit calculated by MadTomma was compared to the aperture in order to determine the impact locations. A linear interpolation was used inside the magnet, thus maybe introducing an error on the order of ±1m.


The expected location shows the impact position of a particle starting from the IP without transversal or angular offset. The interval is calculated under variations of the starting angle in the horizontal plane of ±10 μrad and also when increasing the beam pipe with 1 mm around the impact point, tracking particles on the envelope at one sigma. Spatial transversal offsets were not taken into account.


The shower development inside the magnet is so that the maximum energy deposition outside the cryostat hits of the order of 1.5 m after the impact point for a dipole magnet, according to FLUKA simulations.

IP1, B1

Expected: 430.418

Interval: [429.4, 433.988], secondary impact at [539.7, 541.4]

Early: 414.372


IP2, B1

Expected: 378.887

Interval: [378.6, 381.5] (Secondary impact 478.2)

Early: 379.764



IP5, B1

Expected: 430.004

Interval: [429, 433.5], secondary impact [535,536]

Early: 415.057


IP1, B2

Expected: 417.105

Interval: [416.6, 420], (Secondary impact 539)

Early: 412.186


IP2, B2

Expected: 379.192

Interval: [379, 381.5], (Secondary impact 476)

Early: 375.35


IP5, B2

Expected: 417.807

Interval: [417.3, 421] (Secondary impact 532) 

Early: 412.89