Extraction of data from MTF. The MTF database is the reference for the LHC BLM installation. 1. go to the web page: https://edms.cern.ch/asbuilt/plsql/mtf.home 2. login 3. select under the headline "HOME" " Generate Slots Properties Report " 4. In "Profile Part Number" put in BLM and click "Continue" 5. In "Select Properties to be displayed" select properties which you want to extract, for example,"Other Identifier" and "BJBAP input" and click "Continue" (use Microsoft convention: ctrl+mouse to add single properties) 6. In "Filter Slots to be displayed" chose "Sector", for example 4-5 and in "Identifier" which slot you want, for example BLMQI.6L5 and click "View report" (% sign is used as a wild-card) 7. The produced table (see first picture): BLM - BI Beam Loss Monitor Part Identifier Other ID BJBAP Input BLMQI.A7L5 BLMQI.6L5.B2E3_MQML BJBAP.B6L5_1 BLMQI.G6L5 BLMQI.6L5.B1I1_MQML BJBAP.B6L5_2 BLMQI.F6L5 BLMQI.6L5.B2E2_MQML BJBAP.B6L5_3 BLMQI.E6L5 BLMQI.6L5.B1I2_MQML BJBAP.B6L5_4 BLMQI.D6L5 BLMQI.6L5.B2E2_XRP BJBAP.B6L5_7 BLMQI.C6L5 BLMQI.6L5.B2E1_MQML BJBAP.B6L5_5 BLMQI.B6L5 BLMQI.6L5.B1I3_MQML BJBAP.B6L5_6 8. If export into excel if needed choose: "Export data to an Excel file: 9. If properties of one slot should be changed select slot. 10. Click on "slot" to select the second card (see second picture). 11. If the rights for changing slot entries are requested just below the name "slot" is written "edit", a click will change the view to the one were entries can be changed (see second picture).
To get statistics on the BLM hardware commissioning tests: -> MTF database. Under "hardware commissioning" click on -> "Steps on Slots" -> Beam Instrumentation -> BLM -> select "name" When the list of BLM tests is shown you can click on -> "export data to an excel file"
The MTF application: cern.ch => LHC project => LHC => MTF (top left corner). Then log in; To search a specific equipment with its expert name (i.e. “BLMEI.04L6.B1E10_MSDA”),
use “slot” (top right corner). Type the name (or part of it) in “Identifier”.
The sign matching any character is '%' (equivalent to '*' in regular expressions),
but it is usually not needed. Slot Properties Report: If you only want a few specific informations for several items, instead of all
information about just one item, you can generate a report. On the MTF homepage, c
lick on “Generate Slots Properties Report” (on the left). Then: Write part of the name (i.e 'BLM') in “profile part number”, then hit “continue”; Select the properties you're interested in, then “continue”; Then you can select extra properties, such as DCUM; Then select the sector you're interested in, or “any”; Then generate report. When clicking on a hyperlink, an “info page” for selected slot appears. On the first displayed page (under “Main” tab), the main informations are displayed,
as well as a link to the Layout Database (see below). Under the “slot data” tab are all the relevant informations: what this slot is
linked to, and all the parameters values.