From Fri Oct 22 18:15:33 2004 Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 11:05:08 +0200 From: laurette ponce To: Bernd DEHNING Cc: E. Barbara Holzer Subject: logbook Here is an exemple of the file to put on the web. I wanted to put the datas sent by Guillaume and Stefano on our directory on afs in the directory called /afs/, but I do not have the write rights in this directory. I can transfer the files only in my subdirectory Laurette. If it is OK, then I can add in the txt file the location of the logged files (BLM data, jaws movements, BLM ring datas) Laurette [ Part 2: "Attached Text" ] ********* Collimators BLM acquisition software login on blr51s as user opera cd /user/biswop/bin/LYNX603_4.0.0/blring_sps then run the software with the users-options: blmCoast <-debug> <-acqDelay 1->100> <-intGain1 0->255> <-intGain2 0->255> <-ampGain 0->7> Where the bit-mask intGain1 (and intGain2 for totem) determines whether for each channel the integrator gain is low = *1 or high = *200 .. bit 0 corresponds to high gain 200, bit 1 corresponds to low gain 1, (ex: intGain1 = 15 sets BLM 1,2,3,4 to integrator gain 1 and BLM 5,6,7,8 to integrator gain 200.) The amplifier gain handling is common to all channels on the two cards. typedef struct myBlm { struct timeval timing; /* long seconds, long useconds local time on BLM CPU */ int acqNumber; /* acquisition number since program restart */ int ampGain; /* The common gain for all 16 channels (2 cards) */ int intGain1; /* The integrator gain entered for card 1 */ int intGain2; /* The integrator gain entered for card 2 */ short blmData[16]; /* the values integrated for this acquisition */ int scTime; /* The time when the acquisition was started */ int scNumber; /* The super-cycle number for this acquisition */ } blm_struct; !!!!!!!! It's worth mentioning that only ONE 'blmCoast' process can run at any time on 'blr51s' and that you have to stop an already running one to change the gains or acquisition delay .. THe datas are logged by Guillaume Robert-Demolaize software. ********* SPS ring BLM cd /user/biswop/bin/hpux/blring_sps to run the software > blgetacq blrba5 cycle_code 0 with cycle_code 0301 for LHC beam To store the datas, ask the operator to run the software and the datas are saved in: /user/slops/data/SPS_MD/COLL_11102004/COAST*/BLRING for the MD on 11/10/2004 /user/slops/data/SPS_MD/COLL_18102004/COAST*/BLRING for the MD on 18/10/2004