*_long measurements: CFC1 ch 1-4, scan of 33 points *1202*CFC2B: CFC2 ch 5-8, scan of 33 points, channel 7 not present below 3nA. *1448*CFC1B, *1459*CFC1B, *1544*CFC1B, *1554*CFC1B: CFC1 ch 5-8, scan of 7 points. *1515*CFC1A, *1527*CFC1A: CFC1 ch 1-4, scan of 7 points. *1605*CFC2B, *1631*CFC2B: CFC2 ch 5-8, scan of 7 points, channel 7 not present below 10nA. *1711*CFC2A, *1720*CFC2A: CFC2 ch 1-4, scan of 7 points. *0743*JFETfix_CFC1, *0746*JFETfix_CFC1, *0751*JFETfix_CFC1, *0758*JFETfix_CFC1: first trials before IC movement and control software fixation. BEAM CONDITIONS: E=60.43MeV, Flux ~3 10^8 CH1file=CH1card, irradiated; CH2file=CH2card, not irradiated; CH3file=CH7card, not irradiated; CH4=CH8card, with IC. *0813*JFETfix_CFC1.cfc: control software fixed, IC closer. 52 point of base measurement. IC with T to the board : measured current has to be subtracted. IC see a first step when the beam has been delivered by CR and an other when it has been injected. Irradiated JFET strong answer with strong recovering. *0837*JFETscan100Gy_CFC1: scan after 100 Gy, CH1 +0.1Hz at 30pA (0.2Hz). *0843*JFETfix300Gy_CFC1: irradiation up to 300Gy. CH1 increase from 5.3 to 7.8 Hz.Run #5. *0853*JFETscan300Gy_CFC1: scan after 300 Gy, CH1 +0.2Hz at 30pA. *0857*JFETfix500Gy_CFC1: irradiation of other 200Gy. CH1 increase from 5.5 to 7.3 Hz.Run #6. Integral dose evident at the end. *0907*JFETscan500Gy_CFC1: scan after 500 Gy, CH1 +0.4Hz at 30pA (0.2Hz). *0912*JFETfix750Gy_CFC1: irradiation up to 750Gy. CH1 increase from 5.6 to 7.3 Hz.Run #7. Beam irregular after 113 Gy. Integral dose evident at the end. *0926*JFETscan750Gy_CFC1: scan after 750 Gy, CH1 +0.67Hz at 30pA (0.2Hz). *0930*JFETfix1000Gy_CFC1: irradiation up to 1000Gy. CH1 increase from 5.6 to 7.3 Hz.Run #8. Beam irregular.Integral dose evident at the end. *0944*JFETscan1000Gy_CFC1: scan after 1000 Gy, CH1 +.9Hz at 30pA (0.2Hz). CH1file=CH3card, irradiated; CH2file=CH4card, not irradiated; CH3file=CH7card, not irradiated; CH4=CH8card with IC. *0955*AMPscan0Gy_CFC1: initial scan. *1000*AMPfix100Gy_CFC1.cfc: irradiation up to 100 Gy. No more signal on CH3, 4 and 8. Low signal on CH8. Acces and removed suspected ground contact. see note 1. Run #9 *1013*AMPscan100Gy_CFC1: scan after 100 Gy. CH3 -0.1Hz at 30pA (0.2Hz). fix 200 not saved: see again 0 during irradiation and recovering after the irradiation. CH3 immediatly down, CH4 a bit later, followed by 7 and 8. After irradiation recovering of previous condition, with CH3 lower.Run #11 *1030*AMPscan200Gy_CFC1: scan after 200 Gy. CH3 6.6E-2Hz at 30pA (0.2Hz). *1047*OUTfix_CFC1: beam out of the board, to check the connection and the IC irradiaiton. OK. *1056*AMPfix300Gy_CFC1: irradiation up to 300. Adjusting of the beam: only CH3 see the beam now! Run #12 <<25000). *1*AMPscan800Gy_CFC1: scan after 800 Gy down to 300pA.At 300 pA 1.1 instead of 1.6HZ. *1316*AMPfix1000Gy_CFC1: irradiation up to 1000Gy WITH 10 nA. CH3 goes from ? to ? Hz.Run #17. *1326*AMPscan1000Gy_CFC1: scan after 1000 Gy down to 300pA.At 300 pA 0.9 instead of 1.6HZ. CH1file=CH6card, irradiated; CH2file=CH7card, not irradiated; CH3file=CH8card, not irradiated; CH4=CH2card with IC. Collimation on channels 1-3. global irradiation centered on CH6. *1341*TOTscan_CFC1:initial scan. *1346*TOTfix100Gy_CFC1.cfc: irradiation up to 100 Gy. No more signal on CH5,6,7. IC go up to 120Hz. After irradiation,lower signals. Run #18. *1355*TOTscan100Gy_CFC1: scan after 100Gy. All channels at 0.2Hz at 30 pA, Chamber higher for radiations. *1400*TOTfix300Gy_CFC1.cfc: irradiation up to 300 Gy WITH 10nA. Signals on CH5,6,7 go from 52 to 48 Hz.After irradiation, lower signals. Run #19. *1411*TOTscan300Gy_CFC1: scan after 300Gy. All channels at 0.2Hz at 30 pA, Chamber higher for radiations. *1415*TOTfix700Gy_CFC1.cfc: irradiation up to 700 Gy WITH 10nA. Signals on CH5,6,7 go from 51 to 49 Hz.After irradiation, signal lower. ***corrected name***.Run #20. *1435*TOTscan700Gy_CFC1: scan after 700Gy. All channels at 0.35Hz at 30 pA, Chamber higher for radiations. *1438*TOTfix1000Gy_CFC1.cfc: irradiation up to 1000 Gy WITH 10nA. Signals on CH5,6,7 go from 51 to 50 Hz.Run #21. *1454*TOTscan1000Gy_CFC1: scan after 1000Gy. All channels at 0.32-0.43Hz at 30 pA. Chamber same level. ************************************************************** Changing of Board CH1file=CH1 with IC, not irradiated; CH2file=CH2card, irradiated; CH3file=CH4card, not irradiated; CH4=CH8card, not irradiated. *1512*JFETscan0Gy_CFC2: initial scan. *** NO NOTES IN THE FILES*** *1517*JFETfix500Gy_CFC2.cfc: irradiation up to 500 Gy with 100 pA. CH2 goes initially from 5.8E-1 to 3.7E-1 but then recover up to 6.4E-1. Run #22 *1542*JFETscan500Gy_CFC2: scan after 500 Gy. CH2 looks shifted. Different HZ at 30 pA per each channel. *1546*JFETfix1000Gy_CFC2.cfc: irradiation up to 1000 Gy with 100 pA. CH2 goes initially from 5.4E-1 to 6.2E-1. Final points with people access. Run #23 *1614*JFETscan1000Gy_CFC2: scan after 1000 Gy. CH2 looks shifted. Different HZ at 30 pA per each channels. CH1file=CH1 with IC, not irradiated; CH2file=CH2card, irradiated; CH3file=CH4card, irradiated; CH4=CH8card, irradiated. *1624*JFETSfix300Gy_CFC2: irradiation up to 300 Gy with 100 pA. CH8 from 0.71 up to 10Hz; CH6 from 0.71 constant decresase down to 0.57;CH4 from 0.52 to 0.46. Run #24 *1642*JFETscan300Gy_CFC2: scan after 300 Gy. CH4 looks shiftedat 30 pA. *1646*JFETSfix600Gy_CFC2: irradiation up to 600 Gy with 100 pA. CH8 from 0.68 up to 8.7Hz; CH6 from 0.66 down to 0.53;CH4 from 0.5 to 0.46.***corrected name*** Run #25 *1704*JFETscan600Gy_CFC2: scan after 600 Gy. ***********removing the protection on the circuit *1708*TOTfix300Gy_CFC2: irradiation up to 300 Gy with 10 nA. CH8 from 59 up to 129 with constant decrease; CH6 from 57 down to 47 with recovering up;CH4 from 51 to 44 with recovering up. Run #26 *1721*TOTscan300Gy_CFC2: scan after 300 Gy.CH6,CH4 no more signal below 100pA. Iterrupted for CH8. *1734_CH4_TOTscan300Gy_CFC2: scan after 300 Gy CH8.