Operation comments for different
BLM system
List of BLM Programs
BMCF (Combiner)
- Manual change of energy using the navigator:
- Before any action get, making the action set
- blecs EMCR true
- blecs BEESE true
- blecs BEV 0 to 31 (energy steps from
Beam current transformer (Michael, David)
- IP 4 4 units in RA47 (BCTRF) one spare unit one per beam
- sytem A for operation, B spare system
- bandwidth of 1 .3 GHz
- bunch to bunch limit 180 MHz
- high and low bandwidth 2.5 MHz/
- high and low gain 1.7 E11. / low 1 E10
- high low gain 7 mA, 750 mA
- once per week calibration
- Beam-Circulating-Flag detector (BCF)
- peak voltage of a pilot 5E9 = 70 MV, thresholds = 35 mV,
noise 20 mV
- 2 E9 protons can be detected
- if something goes wrong, calibration
- reboot crate
- noise thresholds of 5E8
- trigger type, software type, RF pre-pulse (first turns),
GMT nominal settings
- DSC terminal, receiving of event is printed out
- bunch selection 1-3564, comma speparated
- history buffer 144 turns times for all bunches
- 225 urns averages @ 50 Hz
- DC transformer, two per beam, two DSCs
- for ranges per in parallel
- sampling rate 50 Hz
- 5E11, 5E12, 5E13, 5E14
- lower range BCT limited , other ADC limit 12 bit
- calibration before each first injection, triggered by
- 100 ms pulse
- 3 calibration mode, theoretical value, quick used before
every fill,
- auto ranging to be commission
BPM: reboot:
/ps/local/Linux/bin/dsc_family BPMLHC blind_reboot
- BPM concentrator, needs trigger navigator tool used to set
the trigger
- cs-ccr-bghtlhc
- nonebpmlhcconc
- prepulse for capture