- Design Considerations:
- Logging
- Post Mortem
- Each BLMTC card handles 16 detectors (Ionisation Chambers).
- From each of these cards two basic sets of information
- have to be transmitted for the logging purposes:
- The Threshold & Warning table. (~ 10 KBytes)
- The measured/calculated data. (< 2 KBytes)
- The used Th & W values. (< 2 KBytes)
- This table holds the threshold and warning data needed for the
comparison with the measured values.
- They are detector specific (i.e. each card will hold different data)
- ~ 10 KBytes
- their values are not foreseen to change often, thus
- it is not read on regular intervals, only when flagged.
- These data have to be read with a rate of a second
- in order to be stored in a database as well as
- give a graphical representation for the control room.
- The information needed to be stored and displayed include the:
- CID (card ID)
- Status bits
- CRC errors
- Calculated data (integrals)
- Threshold values choices of each integral
- Maximum values of the last second.
- Two circular buffers
- 2000 turns of both signals received
- Integrals of 10 ms
- Double the above system and toggle between them using the stop PM
recording trigger
- Never stop recording (i.e. avoid start input)
- Test of PM will be possible anytime
- Accidental/error-triggering proof
- Calculations:
- 2000 turns * ~200 bits frame
- => ~ 50 KB/signal * 2 signals/card = 100 KB /card
- => 100KB/card * 18 cards/crate = 1.75 MB /crate