- Non-Volatile RAM on the mezzanine to hold the Th table.
- Specific Th to every Ion. Chamber globally.
- Data always available for reload after a power down or reset.
- Can be used as a calibration and offset tool.
- Less computation in each system. (Read vs. Calculated value)
- Extra electronics
- More tables to prepare and
- Must make sure that they are loaded in the right card.
- External connector on the surface card to load data.
- Assuming that six 16-bit and five 32-bit Th values needed per Chamber
(i.e. 11 TimeWindows) then:
- 512 bytes per Energy step on every card.
- Update from NVRAM into the FPGA
- Should be possible only when no beam circulating?
- or anytime?
- Ways to determine no operation (i.e. no beam circulating)
- BIC interface & Beam Permit Status.
- MicroFIP connection in the tunnel. (maybe not available)
- VME bus (not reliable)
- Way to determine wrong or no beam energy transmission
- BET (Beam Energy Tracking) “status” output.
- Steps/divisions needed to describe the energy.
- 8 steps (0.45, 1, 2, … , 7 TeV) ?
- 14 steps (0.45, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, … , 6.5, 7 TeV) ?
- More ?
- High Tension – 1 bit per 8 chambers
- CFC power – 1 bit per 8 chambers
- CFC error – 1 bit per chamber
- Laser status possibilities(?)
- Ways to identify components to prevent errors from wrong connections:
- Tunnel Card no. (10bits) transmission on every frame
- Equals to giving an ID to each Ionization Chamber.
- e.x. (in decimals) chamber 234-7 would mean 7th chamber of
card no. 234
- Possibility of comparing that ID with Th table’s ID.
- During the preparation of the table the ID will be added on its top
and the FPGA
- should compare if the table ID is equal to that received from the
tunnel card.
- Setup frame transmission.
- If bidirectional comm. then with request.
- With header in the start-up and after a reset.
- Make use of the wireless Ethernet connection in the tunnel.
- Barcode tags to cards, cables, chambers and position to help cataloging.