... Version 04.02.04         

Program of the BLM internal review:


  1. Functional specifications + Engineering specification, .... (B. Dehning)

a.     Quench and damage prevention/protection, criticality of detectors

b.     Loss levels

c.     Response time

d.     Protons/Ions (different loss location, different fluence)

e.     Dynamic range of currents

f.      Response time

  1. Reliability issues................................................................. (G. Guaglio)

a.     setting scope of requirements

b.     failure scenario

c.     false dump

d.     discussion of present system (redundancy)

e.     installation of system, monitoring/test of system, maintenance

  1. Loss simulations................................................................ (E.B. Holzer)

a.     ARC, straight sections  (except collimation)

                                               i.     Shower amplitude

                                             ii.     Shower length and variation

                                            iii.     Shower locations and variation

                                            iv.     Particle momentum direction in theta and phi

                                             v.     Particle species

                                            vi.     energy distribution of particles at the location of the detectors

b.     Same list for collimation.

c.     Other special locations (triplet)

  1. Ionisation chamber and SEM  ............................................. (G. Ferioli)

a.     tunnel location limitations, lateral, longitudinal

b.     ionisation chamber and SEM design

                                               i.     dimensions, diameter, length, materials, mounting

                                             ii.     treatment, cleaning................................... (E.B. Holzer)

                                            iii.     SPS measurements on installed chambers, gain variation.................................................. (M. Hodgson)

                                            iv.     gain variation on test in H6, BOOSTER. (G. Ferioli, not presented)

                                             v.     tests on new prototypes (M. Hodgson, see talk: SPS …)

  1. Installation in tunnel, RR, UJ, surface.................................. (G. Ferioli)

a.     racks   

                                               i.     below quad

                                             ii.     in RR, UA,UJ

                                            iii.     dump lines

b.     cabling

                                               i.     different layouts

                                             ii.     signals distribution

                                            iii.     noise consideration

                                            iv.     ground loops

c.     surface installations

d.     installation procedure

                                               i.     schedule

                                             ii.     procedure

                                            iii.     man power

  1. Tunnel electronics................................................................ (G. Ferioli)

a.     BLM_CFC (SPS PCB)

                                               i.     General description

                                             ii.     Input currents (high voltage protection)

                                            iii.     Dark currents

                                            iv.     Radiation issues.......................................... (G. Guaglio)

                                             v.     Variation with temperature (humidity, dust)............. (E. Effinger)

                                            vi.     Component variation

b.     CFC test procedures

                                               i.     Test in between of two fills........................ (G. Guaglio)

                                             ii.     Test of PCB during development phase .... (to be done)

c.     CFC digital part................................................. (C. Zamantzas)

                                               i.     CRC-32

                                             ii.     Format of frame

                                            iii.     Counters/multiplexers

                                            iv.     ADC data registers

d.     LASER transmission

                                               i.     Discussion on options (slow, fast transmission)........ (C. Zamantzas)

                                             ii.     Laser issues (types, radiation).................... (G. Guaglio)

  1. Surface electronics, BLM_TC

a.     General description of DAB board....................... (J. Gonzalez)

                                               i.     DAB card features

                                             ii.     Differences between BPM and BLM implementation (SRAM, price)

                                            iii.     Test procedures

                                            iv.     Schedule for ordering, testing, production

b.     BLM implementation......................................... (C. Zamantzas)

                                               i.     Approximation of dump levels................... (G. Guaglio)

                                             ii.     16 channels

                                            iii.     64 energy levels, 12 running sums, memory

                                            iv.     unique threshold table, update of thresholds

                                             v.     energy inputs, beam status input

                                            vi.     time stamp

                                          vii.     logging, warning levels

                                         viii.     post mortem

                                            ix.     identification of cards (card ID, position identification)

  1. Combiner card, BLM_COM................................................ (G. Ferioli)

a.     functionality

b.     dump signal collection and transmission to interlock controller (BIC)

c.     beam energy input and distribution in crate

d.     beam permit input and distribution in crate

e.     collection of status of crate and HV power converter status

  1. Answers to Questions during the review.......................... (E.B. Holzer)

a.     Steady proton loss rates and quench levels

b.     Simulation:

                                               i.     Influence of magnetic field on secondary particle distribution

                                             ii.     Angular distribution of secondaries

c.     History ISR and SPS BLM chambers

d.     Longitudinal loss positions

e.     Electron and ion signal (parallel and coaxial geometry):

                                               i.     Shape

                                             ii.     Speed

                                            iii.     Magnitude