LHC BLM System |
Information for the LHC BIS, LBDS and BLM audit follow-up 15 July 2009 17. June 2009 List of auditors:
Benjamin Todd: Beam Interlock System Changes Following the 2006 Audit
Jan Uythoven: Beam Dump System follow-up from the 2008 Audit
Bernd Dehning: BLM 2008 audit follow-up
Mariusz Sapinski: BLM: comparison threshold settings with loss measurements and management of threshold storage
Barbara Holzer: BLM ionization chamber space charge and procedures for changes of system settings during LHC running period
LBDS System: LBDS_Reliability_Run_PAC08.pdf
BLM System: preliminary BLMSoftSpecification_20090610.doc safety_sensitivity_diagram_2009_01_09.xls
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