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Information on the external LHC BLM audit
On-site visit presentasions and plan:
Critical Systems Labs, Inc.
#618 - 475 Howe Street Vancouver,
B.C. Canada V6C 2B3
Scope of the audit:
CERN internal reviews have been performed in the past and these reviews focused
primarily on the analogue parts of the system design. Therefore CSL review will
focus more on the digital parts and more particularly on the programmable parts
of this system. The essential and foremost question that will drive CSL
technical review is:
“Are the digital and programmable parts of the BLM system going to perform
as they are intended to in the context of the BLM system?”
This review will seek to:
The scope of this review is also limited to a consideration of:
The following table shows a tentative schedule for this
Date |
Responsible |
Deliverable |
16th August 2010 |
Delivery of project documentation |
6th September 2010 |
Finalization of site-visit agenda |
13th to 16th September 2010 |
On-Site visit - 4 full days |
18th October 2010 |
Delivery of written report |
Official Documents:
Project Code:
All source code to build the binary firmware for all FPGAs employed can be found in the BI-BL SubVersion repository (SVN).
(for CERN authenticated users: https://svnweb.cern.ch/cern/wsvn/bi-bl/)
TAR blobs of the latest production commits are added here for easiness:
source code: tars/bi-bl-blecf.r83.tar.gz (VHDL)
source code: tars/bi-bl-src.r1127.tar.gz (VHDL, Schematics - recommended Quartus II 8.1 or higher)
testbenches: tars/bi-bl-tb.r703.tar.gz (VHDL - requires ModelSim)
documentation: tars/bi-bl-doc.r1106.tar.gz (xls, doc)
source code: tars/bi-bl-blecs.r1015.tar.gz (VHDL, Schematics - recommended Quartus II 8.1 or higher)
BLM system introduction:
Beam Loss Monitor Specification (EDMS)
B.Dehning, Beam Loss Monitor System for Machine Protection, DIPAC05 (paper)
B.Dehning et al, First Experience with the LHC BLM system, PAC09 (paper)
Ionization chamber, energy deposition simulation:
Secondary Emission Monitor:
D.Kramer et al, Very High Radiation Detector for the LHC BLM System Based on Secondary Electron Emission, IEEE NSS 2007, (presentation, paper)
Ionization chamber and secondary emission monitor testing
E. B. Holzer et al, Development, production and testing of 4500 beam loss monitors, CERN-AB-2008-054, (paper)
Front-end electronics:
Back-end electronics:
C. Zamantzas, The Real-Time Data Analysis and Decision System for Particle Flux Detection in the LHC Accelerator at CERN., Brunel University, CERN-THESIS-2006-037. (pdf)
C. Zamantzas et al, An FPGA Based Implementation for Real-Time Processing of the LHC Beam Loss Monitoring System’s Data, IEEE NSS 2006 (poster, paper)
C. Zamantzas et al, The LHC Beam Loss Monitoring System's Surface Building Installation, LECC 2006, (paper)
C. Zamantzas et al, The LHC Beam Loss Monitoring System's Data Contribution to other Systems, IEEE NSS 2007, (presentation, paper)
Combiner and interfaces to machine protection and energy receiver, connectivity check (or HV modulation) and sanity checks:
J. Emery slides, (presentation), Combiner and Survey Card (schematics)
J. Emery et al, LHC BLM single channel connectivity test using the standard installation, DIPAC, (poster, paper)
J. Emery et al, First experiences with the LHC BLM sanity checks, TWEPP, (poster, paper)
Software tools:
C. Zamantzas et al, The LHC Beam Loss Monitoring System's Data Contribution to other Systems, IEEE NSS 2007, (presentation, paper)
C. Zamantzas et al, Configuration and Validation of the LHC Beam Loss Monitoring System, DIPAC 2009 (paper)
Reliability and availability of the system:
G. Guaglio, BLMS Dependability, PhD Thesis, (Presentation.ppt, Thesis.pdf)
G. Guaglio, Reliability study of the BLM system, AB seminar, (pdf), (4.2006)
Test and start-up procedures:
MPS and Settings:
MPS aspects of the BLM system (edms)
Management of the BLM settings (edms)
ECR (engineering change request) (example)
Machine name |
Comments |
Beam loss monitoring system |
Secondary emission monitor |
IC |
Ionization chamber |
Current to frequency converter (includes an FPGA), front end electronics, tunnel and alcoves |
Threshold comparator |
Data processing and Threshold comparison (includes an FPGA), backend electronics, surface buildings |
Combiner |
Combiner and survey card (includes an FPGA), backend electronics, surface buildings |
Test unit for the BLECF cards (includes an FPGA) |
Vertical Slice | BLEVS | Test unit for the BLM system |
Manufacturing and Test Folders travellers database |
LHC Software Architecture database |
Layout DB |
LHC Layout database |
Meas DB |
Measurement database |
Logging DB |
CISV | Safe LHC Parameters receiver board (including the beam energy) | |
BIS | Beam Interlock System | |
BIC | Beam Interlock Controller | |
CIBUS | Controls Interlocks Beam User Single (Both beams with one input) |
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