| LHC BLM threshold modification reports |
Information for the LHC BLM audit 10. June to 1. July 2008 4. July 2008
Scope of the audit:Scope of the audit are all aspects of the BLM system relevant to machine protection (machine protection being composed of damage protection and quench prevention). Components of the BLM system concerned: Energy deposition simulations, detectors, front-end electronics, threshold comparator, combiner, VME crate, DB, software tools, test procedures, interfaces to machine protection and energy receiver
Special emphasis on:
Reliability and availability of the system
Test and start-up procedures
Miguel Anjo
Joachim Baechler PH/DT2
Philippe Farthouat PH/ATLAS
Stefan Haas
Stefan Lueders (chair) IT/CO
Javier Serrano
Questions of auditors and answers to it
Report of the auditors (summary
talk by S. Lueders,
LTC report on
the report (B. Dehning)
to the report from experts
Speaker |
title |
topics |
Roland Garoby |
General introduction |
8:30 |
Bernd Dehning |
BLM overview & System reliability |
8:35 |
Thomas Weiler |
Loss location maps |
Loss locations |
9:10 |
Agnieszka Priebe |
Particle showers and assessment of BLM Thresholds at cold magnets |
Particle shower (energy deposition) simulations (GEANT4) for cold magnets and beam abort threshold settings |
9:25 |
Till Boehlen |
Assessment of BLM Thresholds in Collimation Regions for the LHC Startup |
Particle shower (energy deposition) simulations (FLUKA) for collimators and beam abort threshold settings |
9:40 |
coffee |
9:55 |
Aurelien Marsili(presentation) |
BLM system monitors |
Ionization chambers and secondary emission monitors including saturation effects and production issues |
10:05 |
Ewald Effinger(presentation) |
Analogue electronics (including radiation tolerance and radiation testing |
CFC, ADC, optical transmission installation in the tunnel |
10:55 |
Link to schematics and VHDL code: https://edms.cern.ch/cedar/plsql/fullsearch.doc_search document: EDA-00593 VHDL (CFC_TOP_FPGA.zip) |
Christos Zamantzas |
BLETC (threshold comparator) and mezzanine card |
11:25 |
BLM Mezzanine: EDA-780
Quartus Project (zip, QuartusII 7.2 SP2)
Launch |
Jonathan Emery
Beam loss interface to machine protection and energy distribution |
14:00 |
The BLECS combiner and survey card functionalities |
Functional test bench for the BLECF tunnel card and BLECS combiner and survey card |
Combiner: http://cern.ch/blm/Electronics/BLECS_Combiner/BLECS-Fpga/BLECS-FPGA-Quartus-project
Schematics of the combiner (EDMS number: EDA-01660) https://cern.ch/blm/Electronics/BLECS_Combiner/BLECS-Schematics/Rev3/BLECS_Combiner_Rev3.pdf
Portable BLM system (for the functional and tunnel test of the BLECF): FPGA code: https://cern.ch/blm/Electronics/BLECFT_portable_Testsystem_for_acqu_board/BLECFT_FPGA_description/
Schematic of the portable system(EDMS number: EDA-01329): https://cern.ch/blm/Electronics/BLECFT_portable_Testsystem_for_acqu_board/BLECFT_Schematic/EDA-01329-V1_sch.pdf
Stephen Jackson |
VME crate software |
Data transfer of thresholds and running sums |
14:30 |
Chris Roderick |
Databases |
Implementation |
15:00 |
Grzegorz Kruk |
Definition of data transfer |
15:30 |
coffee |
16:00 |
Mariusz Sapinski |
Procedure of production, verification and transfer of the threshold values to LSA database |
Expert data input to DB |
16:10 |
Barbara Holzer |
Test and start-up procedures |
16:30 |
Machine name |
Charge to frequency converter (includes an FPGA), front end electronics, tunnel and alcoves |
Beam loss monitoring system |
Secondary emission monitor |
IC |
Ionization chamber |
combiner |
Combine and survey card (includes an FPGA), backend electronics, surface buildings |
Threshold comparator |
Threshold comparison and data treatment (includes an FPGA), backend electronics, surface buildings |
Test unit for CFC cards (includes an FPGA) |
Manufacturing and Test Folders travellers |
LHC Software Architecture database |
Layout DB |
LHC Layout database |
Information about the BLM system:
A special webpage will be compiled in May. For the time being information can be
found under
http://cern.ch/blm “talks and papers”.
Rooms booked for the audit:
Tue 10/06/2008 08:30 - 17:30 864 1-C02 (system presentations - schedule on the
Thu 12/06/2008 14:00 - 17:30 864 1-C02 (Q&A session)
Mon 16/06/2008 afternoon tba (Auditors only)
Wed 25/06/2008 14:00 - 16:00 864 1-C02 (report of the Auditors, S. Lueders)
BLM system introduction:
Beam Loss Monitor Specification (EDMS)
IEEE NSS 2005, E.B. Holzer et al. (presentation, paper): Beam Loss Monitoring System for the LHC (10.2005)
Ionization chamber, energy deposition simulation:
PhD Thesis, M. Stockner (pdf): Beam Loss Calibration Studies for High Energy Proton Accelerators (10.2007)
Master Thesis, M. Hodgson, Ionisation chamber design studies thesis [pdf]
IEEE NSS 2007, D.Kramer (presentation, paper): Very High Radiation Detector for the LHC BLM System Based on Secondary Electron Emission (11.2007)
Front-end electronics:
Diplom thesis CFC (W. Friesenbichler) [pdf.gz] (5.2002)
DIPAC, E. Effinger (poster (pdf, odp), paper): Single Gain Radiation Tolerant LHC Beam Loss Acquisition Card
LECC, E. Effinger (talk, paper): The LHC beam loss monitoring system’s data acquisition card (2006)
LECC, J. Emery (poster, paper): Functional and Linearity Test System for the LHC Beam Loss Monitoring Data Acquisition Card
Threshold comparator:
IEEE NSS 2006, C. Zamantzas, (poster, paper), An FPGA Based Implementation for Real-Time Processing of the LHC Beam Loss Monitoring System’s Data
IEEE NSS 2007, C.Zamantzas (presentation, paper), The LHC Beam Loss Monitoring System's Data Contribution to other Systems (2007)
Combiner and interfaces to machine protection and energy receiver:
J. Emery slides, (presentation), Combiner and Survey Card
VME crate: (n.a.)
Software tools:
IEEE NSS 2007, C.Zamantzas (presentation, paper), The LHC Beam Loss Monitoring System's Data Contribution to other Systems
Reliability and availability of the system:
AB seminar, G. Guaglio, Reliability study of the BLM system, (pdf) (4.2006)
Test and start-up procedures:
overview (prelim.)
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