| LHC BLM threshold modification reports |
Chair: E.B. Holzer
Members: Chiara Bracco, Serge Claudet, Bernd Dehning, Eduardo Nebot Del Busto, Stefano Redaelli, Mariusz Gracjan Sapinski, Rudiger Schmidt, Arjan Verweij, Jorg Wenninger, Markus Zerlauth.
Information: Ralph Wolfgang Assmann, Wolfgang Bartmann, Brennan Goddard, Malika Meddahi, Andrzej Siemko, Laurent Tavian, Jan Uythoven.
e-group: LHC-BLM-threshold-WG
threshold WG: 2010 minutes and presentations
link to MPP minutes and presentations
Date | Title | Author |
2011-02-12 | Cold Magnet thresholds 2011 for start-up | E. Nebot | MPP |
2011-02-16 | BLM thresholds proposal for 2011 and comparison with most critical signals | E. Nebot | WG meeting 1 |
Increase thresholds at the tertiary collimators (luminosity losses)
LIC thresholds
Injection region (non LIC) thresholds (increase with MF?)
Arc thresholds increase for testing UFO-quenches with normal physics beam (use MF or new master thresholds?)
Ralph's request to increase collimator thresholds
Direct Dump thresholds
noise levels with respect to thresholds:
lower limit on thresholds?
effect of filters, monitor type
re-check operational thresholds vs noise
new threshold calculation code should become the operational code (compare with specification)
regular test of monitors flags (connected to BIS, filters etc.) (extend Ardun's code)
MF=0.05 - why?
injection region cold magnets to be revised (including MF), including triplet magnets, including MQY
TCT in IP8 lumi induced losses; increase last 2 RS? 33% of threshold with ~2E32 in LHCb and 480 bunches
IP7 currently 20 kW loss ok with thresholds - have to increase (in steps) to 200 kW design value
Threshold family of BLMEI.08L8.B2I23_MBA is sanity check applied? (RS 1-4 and RS6 triggered 18.4.2011 00:06, but not RS5)
check for possible limitations all around the ring for the second half of 2011 (signal/threshold less than 10 and MF bigger than 0.1)
collimator thresholds to be increased (in steps) up to the nominal losses on collimators (MD results)
MQTLH thresholds (currently set to 10 time the MQY thresholds) --> QP3 simulations
direct dump monitors (continuation)
thresholds on TDC (nothing had been specified so far)
Barbara: injection region TCTVB (2010 changes
due to conflicting requirements of injection and collimation)
Arjan and Mariusz: update on MB and MQ (and
MQM) thresholds
Eduardo: cross comparison of simulations of
various cold magnets, warm magnets and collimators
BLM signal per lost proton (as function of energy)
maximum #protons (transient)
and #protons/s (stead state) allowed (as
function of energy)
Eduardo: analysis IP7 and IP3 MBW magnets:
can/shall we set thresholds for local protection?
2011-06-30 Mariusz, Ruediger, Eduardo, Barbara
Direct Dump Monitors:
One system which is not working properly will be exchanged coming TS.
The other 3 systems exhibit a reduced sensitivity above ~4000 counts which will be investigated further.
A threshold around 4000 - 6000 counts might be appropriate. Ewald will enable a diagnostic channel which is available on this card, that would log the status of the dump signal in TIMBER (while the physical output to the LBDS still remains disabled).
Eduardo will check whether 2E10 injected beam on TCDQ is sufficient to calibrate direct dump BLMs. A possibility might be during the MD next Sunday 3.6.2011.
The cold magnet thresholds in the injection regions, which have not been changed in 2011 will be changed in batches during the next months.
The two MF=0.05 (BLMQI.01L2.B1E30_MQXA and BLMQI.01R2.B2E30_MQXA) to be verified and probably set to MF=0.1
for the second half of 2011:
All LHC checked for possible limitations: signal/threshold < 10 and MF > 0.1
Collimator thresholds increase in steps to the nominal (500kW) power deposition value (as established in the MD: LHC-BLM-ECR-0020, CERN-ATS-Note-2011-042 MD ).
5th Meeting
2011-06-08 Markus, Jorg, Chiara
3rd Meeting
2011-03-16 Mariusz, Markus, Ruediger, Chiara, Eduardo,
Barbara, Bernd
O.K. to disconnect permanently from BIS if needed
increase 450 GeV thresholds
O.K. to disconnect temp. from BIS if needed
increase 450 GeV thresholds
increase 450 GeV thresholds
O.K. to disconnect permanently from BIS if needed
increase 450 GeV thresholds
O.K. to disconnect temp. from BIS if
increase 450 GeV thresholds
increase 450 GeV thresholds
O.K. to disconnect temp. from BIS if needed
2nd Meeting
2011-03-09 Mariusz, Annika, Ruediger, Jorg, Chiara, Eduardo,
2011-02-16 Arjan, Mariusz, Annika, Markus, Ruediger, Jorg, Chiara, Eduardo, Barbara
Arjan showed the timing of the QPS versus BLM for Wire scanner induced quench in MBRB (D4) on 1 Nov 2010 at 15h40. The quench occurred about half way through the first of the BLM peaks. To be done: comparison Fluka, BLM, and QP3 based on this timing (Mariusz). Second slide is from Mariusz, showing that the BLM signal times the wire scanner speed is ~ constant for a number of the scans, but different for the very fast (not shown) and for the slowest one. Ruediger suggested to calculate this value for comparison from the PM event from a beam dump due to a wire scan (action Mariusz).
Eduardo showed the new proposed thresholds for cold magnets compared to the highest signals for each RS in the last 5 high intensity proton physics fills. It was decided to increase RS1 and RS2 (with respect to what is shown in his slides) by a factor 3. The details of the threshold changes can be found in the LHC-BLM-ECR-0016 (including comparison plots (end of 2010 compared to start-up 2011) for 450 GeV and 3.5 TeV (higher energies have been omitted to increase clarity):
The Table below (from the ECR) gives the typical changes from 2010-start-up to 2010-end-of-run to 2011-start-up for cold magnets.
Date |
Factor |
Factor of
change with respect to 2010 start-up (2010
start-up: magnet quench limits as
given in LHC Project Report 44) |
Threshold |
Thresholds |
RS1 and
RS2 |
2010 start-up |
0.1 |
1 |
1 |
2010 end of run |
0.5 |
1 |
5 |
2011 start-up |
0.1 |
3 |
3 |
RS3 to
RS5 |
2010 start-up |
0.1 |
1 |
1 |
2010 end of run |
0.5 |
1 |
5 |
2011 start-up |
0.1 |
5 |
5 |
RS6 |
2010 start-up |
0.1 |
1 |
1 |
2010 end of run |
0.5 |
1 |
5 |
2011 start-up |
0.1 |
1 |
1 |
RS7 to
RS12 |
2010 start-up |
0.1 |
1 |
1 |
2010 end of run |
0.5 |
1 |
5 |
2011 start-up |
0.1 |
0.33 / 1(triplets) |
0.33 /
1(triplets) |
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