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in red LHC reference papers
Topic |
Author(s) |
Remarks |
LHC BLM system | ||
LHC Beam Loss Monitor System Design [pdf] | B. Dehning, G. Ferioli, W.
Friesenbichler, E. Gschwendtner and J. Koopman CERN, Geneva, Switzerland |
AIP Conference Proceeding 648 BEAM INSTRUMENTATION WORKSHOP 2002 Tenth Workshop (Page 229) |
Pin Diodes vs Ionisation Chambers [pdf, ppt1, ppt2] | E. Gschwendtner et al. | DIPAC 01 |
Ionization Chambers for the LHC Beam Loss Detection [pdf] | E. Gschwendtner, R. Assmann,
B. Dehning, G. Ferioli, V. Kain CERN, Geneva, Switzerland |
Shower and Beam Simulations |
Beam Losses, Radiation Dose and Electronic Equipment in the LHC arcs [pdf] | L. Coull, R. Schmidt, T. Spickermann | LHC project-note-109 |
Simulation of Point Beam Losses in LHC Superconducting Magnets [pdf] |
T. Spickermann, K. Wittenburg, | LHC project-note-124 |
ARC loss simulation [pdf] | A. Arauzo |
ARC loss simulation [pdf] | A. Arauzo | LHC Project Note 213 |
ARC loss simulation [pdf] | A. Arauzo | LHC Project Note 238 |
Dispersion Suppressor loss sim. [pdf] | E. Gschwendtner | EPAC 02 |
Ion Proton Simulations [pdf] | R. Bruce | thesis 2005 |
CERF ionsation chamber test (thremal neutrons) [pdf] | E. Lebbos | H6 line |
Beam defussion [pdf] |
Giulio Stancar |
IP1/5 | ||
Beam losses far downstream of IR 1 & 5 [pdf] | I. Baishev | LHC Project Note 208 |
Proton losses in the dispersion suppressors [pdf] of IR1 and IR5 of LHC |
I. Baishev | LHC Project Note 240 |
IP 1 5 new simulations [pdf] | Christine Hoa | |
IP3 | ||
Collimation IP3 simulation [pdf] (slides) | I. Kurochkin | opt: version 6.2, collimator material AL/Cu |
Collimation IP3 simulation [pdf] (slides) | I. Kurochkin | opt: version 6.2, collimator material C/C double density (not final version) |
Collimation IP3 simulation [pdf] (draft paper) | I. Kurochkin | opt: version 6.2, collimator material AL/Cu (not final version) |
IP4 | ||
IP4 loss simulations [pdf] | ||
IP4 radiation issues [pdf] | V. Talanov | |
IP6 | ||
FLUKA IR6 radiation estimates (pdf) | Lucia Sarchiapone | |
FLUKA H6 ionisation chamber calibration [pdf] | Lucia Sarchiapone | |
IP7 | ||
Absorber optimization [pdf] | FLUKA team | |
Technical description of FLUKA implentation [pdf] | FLUKA team | |
Warm elements [pdf] | FLUKA team | |
IP7 collimation BLM energy deposition [pdf] | Mario Santana Leitner | |
IP7 loss simulations [pdf] | A. Ferrari | |
DUMP | ||
Hadron and neutron Fluence and Energy Deposition [pdf] | P. Sala | |
Particle Fluence and Energy Deposition [pdf] | J. Vollaire, S. Roesler | |
Remanent Dose rate simulations with Fluka [pdf] |
J. Vollaire, D. Forkel-Wirth, S. Roesler |
FLUKA calculation, energy deposition, particle spectra at BLMs [pdf] | J. Vollaire, D. Forkel-Wirth, S. Roesler | |
SPS | ||
Beam Loss Analysis in the SPS [pdf] | S. Redaelli | |
Beam Loss (non LHC) | ||
Beam loss monitors at the ESRF [pdf] | B.Joly, U.Weinrich, G.A.Naylor, ESRF, Grenoble, FRANCE | see p.11 |
CTF3 beam loss monitoring [pdf] | ||
SPS BLM system [ppt] | G.Ferioli, L.Jensen | |
Beam loss at the ramp of the TEVATRON [pdf] | F. Schmidt | |
Beam Loss Monitor System a Comparison [pdf] | L. Froehlich (DESY) | |
Diamond and He Detectors |
ScintillationHe [pdf] |
Dant | |
SEM detectors | ||
SIC/SEM Richardson I [pdf] | M. Valesco | |
SIC/SEM Richardson II [pdf] | M. Valesco | |
Scraper design LHC [pdf] | F. Bertarelli | |
Radiation Issues | ||
Calorimeters (lecture) [pdf] | Kammer | |
Dose in the LHC ARC [pdf] | G. Stevenson | |
Dose in the LHC Dispersion suppressor [pdf] | G. Stevenson | |
Energy deposition in collimators [pdf] | G. Stevenson | |
Schauer simulation in low Z material [pdf] | B. Goddard, V. Kain | |
Dose in the straight section beam-beam interaction IP1,5 [pdf] | N. Mokhov | |
FLUKA bench marking [pdf] | P. Sala | |
Estimation of Annual Doses (Project-Note-375) [pdf] | L/ Lamont | |
Ionisation chamber design studies thesis [pdf] | M. Hodgson | |
Repsonse of Centronic High-Pressure Ionisation Chambers to the Mixed Radiation Field of the CERF Facility [pdf, doc] | H. Vincke, S. Roessler | |
Measurements and Simulations of the PMI Chamber Response to the Radiation Field inside the CERF Target Area [pdf] | H. Vincke, S. Roess | |
Responce function of high pressure ionisation chamber [pdf, doc] | H. Vincke, S. Roess | |
Electronics | ||
A wide range digitizer for direct coupled analogue signals(1967) (pdf) |
MacLannan et al. | |
Current to frequency converter [pdf] | P. Odda (NSRL) | |
Data transmission FPGA development kit USB [pdf] | Roman Leitner | |
Front end electronics CFC, project and thesis [doc, pdf] and [pdf] | Werner Friesenbichler | |
FNAL threshold comparator [pdf] | ||
SNS beam loss design [pdf] | ||
CMS beam condition monitor (BL CFC) (ppt) | Richard Hall Wilton | |
24 bit ADC [pdf] |
Fast Digitization and Digital Receiver Technology [pdf] | Ralph C. Kimball |
AIP Conference Proceeding 648 BEAM INSTRUMENTATION WORKSHOP 2002 Tenth Workshop (Page 79) |
A DSP-Based Beam Current Monitoring System For Machine Protection Using Adaptive Filtering [pdf] |
J. Musson, H. Dong, R. Flood, C. Hovater Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News, VA J. Hereford, Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA 23601 |
Digital Signal Processing In Beam Instrumentation: Latest Trends and Typical Applications [pdf] |
M. E. Angoletta, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland | |
ASIS CFC INFN test measurements NIM [pdf] | A. La Rosa et. al | |
ASIS radiation test pdf | B. Todt | |
The Interaction of Radiation with Matter | Short course (IEEE 2006) | |
Theory and Practice [pdf] | William L. Dunn | |
Charged Particle and Electron Interaction [pdf] | Richard P. Hugtenburg | |
Neutron Interaction [pdf] | William L. Dunn | |
Particle Detection and Applications [pdf] | Richard P. Hugtenburg | |
Ionization Chamber | ||
Correction for Recombination Loss of Ions in Ionization Chambers [pdf] | N. Takata, Zaizhe Yin, and Aiwu Li | |
PS ionisation chamber measurements [ppt] | E. Gschwendtner | |
CNGS saturation effect [ppt] | E. Gschwendtner | |
Academic Training Lecture (27.6.2006) | ||
The use of Monte Carlo radiation transport codes in radiation physics and dosimetry (1/3) | Salvat Gavalda, F.,Univ. de Barcelona, ESP | |
The use of Monte Carlo radiation transport codes in radiation physics and dosimetry (2/3) | Ferrari, A. (CERN-AB) | |
The use of Monte Carlo radiation transport codes in radiation physics and dosimetry (3/3) | Silari, M. (CERN-SC) | |
Quench Levels | ||
LHC quench levels (LHC_project_report 44) [pdf] | Jeanneret J.B. et al. | |
Heat transfer in magnets (talk) (pdf) | Baudouy (CES) | |
Quench levels and transient beam losses at HERA
[ppt][pdf] summary and comments (Dehning B.) [ppt] |
Wittenburg K. (DESY) | |
Statistic of fast losses at HERA [pdf] | Wittenburg K. (DESY) | |
Run summary 2005 HERA [pdf] | Keil K. (DESY) | |
Fast Beam Loss at HERA (Groemitz 2005) [pdf] | Seidel M. (DESY) | |
Experience with the Proton Beam BLM [pdf] | Lomperski M. (DESY) | |
TEVATRON IR quad energy deposition [pdf] | Mokhov N. (FNAL) | |
Beam-Induced Energy Deposition Studies in IR Magnets [pdf] | Mokhov N. (FNAL) | |
Insertion Magnets and Beam Heat Loads [ppt] | Ostojic R. | |
QUENCH TEMPERATURE SHORT DIPOLE [pdf] | S. Sanfilippo, A. Siemko | |
Satbility Analysis Of LHC Cables for Transient Heat Deposition [pdf] | P.P. Granieri, A. Semko, D. Bocian | |
Steady State Heat Depostion ...[pdf] | A. Semko, D. Bocian | |
Transient heat flow in coils [pdf] | P.P. Granieri | |
Enthalpy Limit Calculations in LHC Magnets [pdf] | D. Bocian | |
Quench limit calculations MB, MQ (1.9K) [pdf] | D.Bocian | |
Ion MB quench level simulations [xls] | D.Bocian | |
LHC Protection | ||
QPS General layouts and principles [ppt] | K. Dahlerup-Petersen | |
QPS signals [ppt] | R. Flora | |
Electrical circuits [ppt] | M. Zerlaut | |
Magnets, risks [ppt] | K. H. Mess | |
Oprical fibres | ||
Radiation hardness of fibres [ppt] | Kuhnenn (Frauenhofer) | |
Optical absorption induced by radiation [pdf] | T. Wijnands | |
Radiation hardness of fibres (ppt) | Kuhnenn (Frauenhofer) |
Online text book: The Particle Detector BriefBook