LHC BLM threshold modification reports

Talks and Papers 

BLM Internal Review (17,19, and 23 February 2004) 



 Topic  Remarks
12/01 Project thesis CFC (W. Friesenbichler) [doc]
05/02 Diplom thesis CFC (W. Friesenbichler) [pdf.gz]
14/02/2003  BLM Dependability 1 [pdf] (Gianluca Guaglio)  Preliminary Reliability Considerations


 BLM Threshold Comparator [pdf] (Christos Zamantzas)  Preliminary Design Considerations
08/04/2003  BLMlasermarket01o.pdf (Gianluca Guaglio)  Transmitter/Receiver first market survey


 BLMTC Post Mortem & Memory Requirements [pdf] (Christos Zamantzas)  Still to be checked for consistency. For more info check LHC Post-Mortem Home Page
12/08/2003  BLM Threshold Comparator [pdf] (Christos Zamantzas)  Latest TC design & Memory calculations.
23/09/2003  BLM Design Issues [pdf] (Christos Zamantzas)  Storage of Th values, Beam energy, Status bits, Identification and installation procedures. 
21/10/2003  BLM_031021 (Gianluca Guaglio)  H6 and Louvain measurements.
21/10/2003  BLMTC Logging & Post Mortem  [pdf] (CZ)  Design strategy for log and PM data.
19/11/2003 Beam Loss Monitors (E.B. Holzer for the BLM team) AB-LTC Technical Review
22/02/2004 The Beam Loss Monitoring System(B. Dehning for the BLM team)Paper, Talk Chamonix talk on the commissioning and running in of the system + SPS test results and collimation features
02/2004 Section review meeting. Dependability + irrradiations. Slides Guaglio's speeches on Dependability of BLM, Radiation test on analog part, poposed test on analog electronic, dump levels approximations.
05/2004 BIW2004 (Gianluca Guaglio) Contribution to the Beam Instrumentation Workshop: Paper and Slides
09/07/2002 LEADE (B. Dehning) Working group talk
14/06/2004 LEADE (B. Dehning Working group talk
20/11/2003 Specification comments (D. Dehning) BI TB
07/2004 Longitudinal Loss Distribution, paper, poster. (E.B. Holzer, B. Dehning) EPAC 04
07/2004 Design of the BLM System for the LHC, paper, poster. (E.B. Holzer et al.) EPAC 04
07/2004 Beam Loss Monitoring System, slides. (E.B. Holzer) External Review of LHC Collimation Project
07/2004 Beam Loss Monitors for the LHC, slides. (E.B. Holzer) LHC Specification Committee
10/2004 ICFA2004 (G. Guaglio) Contribution to the ICFA-HB2004 workshop: Article and Slides
11/2004 Radiation day 2004, CERN, (B.Dehning)  (slides) LHC BLM system
03/2005 Quench level work shop, CERN, (B.Dehning) (slides) LHC BLM system
04/2005 Machine protection review, CERN, (B.Dehning) (slides), (recommendation, slides, paper) LHC BLM system
07/2005 DIPAC,  (B.Dehning), (slides, paper)  LHC BLM system
10/2005 Beam Loss Monitoring System for the LHC, E.B. Holzer et al. (presentation, paper) IEEE NSS 2005
29/12/05 Radiation Day CERN, B. Dehning (ppt) LHC Beam Loss System (HERA dump)
14/12/05 Interpretation and Use of BLM Data, LTC (ppt)
16/12/05 PhD Gianluca Guaglio (Presentation.ppt, Thesis.pdf) BLMS Dependability
05/02/06  Chamonix VX, 2006, B. Dehning, (ppt, paper) BLM commissioning
06/02/06 Chamonix VX, 2006 BI , E,B, Holzer (presentation, paper) Group Commitments and Major Issues for Distributed Systems
06/04/06 AB seminar, Reliability study of the BLM system, (pdf) G. Guaglio
01/06/06 ICFA Tsukuba 2006,  E,B, Holzer (presentation, paper) Commissioning and operational scenarios of LHC BLM system
17/09/06 OEPG-FAKT 2006, M. Stockner (presentation) (german)
Messungen und Simulationen für das Strahlverlust-Monitor-System des LHC
05/10/06 Siena IPRD06, D. Kramer (presentation,paper) Simulations & beam tests of SEM (BLMS)
30/10/06 IEEE NSS-MIC 2006, M. Stockner (poster, paper), San Diego

Measurements and Simulations of Ionization Chamber Signals in Mixed Radiation Fields for the LHC BLM System

7/12/06 MAC, R. Jones (pdf) Status on beam instrumentation (status BLM)
23/5/07 DIPAC07, M. Stockner, E.B. Holzer (poster, paper) CLASSIFICATION OF THE LHC BLM IONIZATION CHAMBER
2/11/07 IEEE NSS 2007, D.Kramer (presentation, paper) Very High Radiation Detector for the LHC BLM System Based on Secondary Electron Emission
2/11/07 IEEE NSS 2007, C.Zamantzas (presentation, paper) The LHC Beam Loss Monitoring System's Data Contribution to other Systems
2/11/07 IEEE NSS 2007,  E.B. Holzer (poster, paper)  
15/11/07 PS test measurements with IC (ppt) BI TB, V. Prieto

Talks presented at the LHC Machine Protection Working Group.

Talks presented at the LHC Collimation Working Group.



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